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Employee Retention Credit Update

The Employee Retention Credit (ERC) was rolled out in March 2020 as part of the CARES Act to help businesses with the cost of keeping employees on payroll through the COVID-19 pandemic. It is a tax break in the form of refundable employment tax credits for those businesses that qualify.

Although the ERC is no longer available for the 2022 tax year, many businesses are still waiting to receive the credit or are working to claim it retroactively for prior quarters. Therefore, this remains a hot topic and there are a few important updates and reminders to be aware of.

Businesses Can Retroactively Claim the ERC

Some employers who qualified for the ERC for quarters in 2020 and 2021, but didn’t file a claim at the time, may think they have missed out on taking advantage of this opportunity. However, businesses have three years from the filing of the original IRS Form 941 (Employer’s Quarterly Federal Tax Return) to file amended returns to claim the credits. The qualifications and credit amounts are as follows:

For 2020:

For 2021:

Employee Retention Credit IRS Penalty Relief

The IRS stipulates that businesses must reduce their deductible payroll expenses on their income tax returns by the amount of the credit received or to be received, and this reduction must occur on the tax return for the year the credit is related to. This causes an increase to the bottom-line profit and associated income tax due, and in many cases triggers penalties for employers who did not remit enough in estimated taxes due to the jump in taxable profit.

The penalties may be even higher for employers who are still waiting to receive the credit, because it would create a hardship for them to remit the additional tax without having received the refund, so they wait even longer to pay their income taxes due – which causes the penalties to grow.

Per a news release from April 2022, the IRS is aware of this situation and has indicated that taxpayers may be eligible for relief from penalties if they can show reasonable cause and not willful neglect for failing to pay. While lack of funds is not generally accepted as reasonable cause, the underlying reason of not having received the ERC refund that triggered the additional tax could be.

Alternatively, another possibility is to claim relief using the First Time Penalty Abatement program, which can be used if the taxpayer:

Beware of Scam ERC Providers

There are a number of “specialty” providers popping up who are offering to recalculate the ERC for a percentage of the “take” or who are using an overly aggressive interpretation of the rules that likely wouldn’t hold up if scrutinized by the IRS. While many businesses legitimately qualify for the ERC, some of these providers are using risky practices to maximize the credit amount, which if later found to be wrong could lead to anything from civil penalties to criminal tax fraud. The IRS has a five-year statute of limitations on these ERC claims, so even if they aren’t yet auditing claims now, they very well could (and likely will) in the future.

So, what signs or red flags should you look for? You should be wary of working with any providers who:

If you have further questions about the ERC or any other taxes, feel free to contact us any time.

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